Sunday, 15 July 2007

The Shoulders of Giants

Newton said he could only see so far as he stood on the shoulders of Giants but he said this ironically as he thought he was much more clever than any of his peers but he was also mad as he had boiled mercury in a pan and poisoned himself as he tried to make gold. I think that the search for clarity of meaning and context is important on the blog but also it's interesting to drop things in from a tangent - We all have different areas of knowledge and thinking to share. At the moment I like to think around making theory physical. So stuff which seems really complex and deep can be made really clear by making an example of it. Fine art departments seem to be a bit locked in positioning practise in the context of art history rather than social function so I think that your struggles with your dissertation are about placing your work in a theorectical framework and your reading is drawing from a massive field of theory which often contradicts itself. Anyway I think Paul Nash landscapes are the most empty and desolate paintings I've scene but they do romantisize this desolation. So I like the idea that we should be talking more about our own thinking than referencing others especily if this is not helpfull and a bit obscure but if it's helpfull we maybe need to talk about it more and how it relates to the project.

1 comment:

kate g said...

it wasnt a criticism of your ideas or source of references, i just want to understand, so i can consider properly and then comment properly. ps your big and i love ya