Thursday, 6 September 2007

wheel barrow

Tim wants a wheelbarrow. at leeds fest people dragged their belongings around on blankets they were like wheeless wheelbarrows or perhaps just barrows. Done a lot of thinking over the past few days mostly about images and objects and I keep going back to an earlier idea about strippping away physical context and provenance. I am going to spend next week experimenting and try and produce something with the leeds fest stuff for discussion next week.


Kate said...

This is where academics and artists are different.
I am obsessed with provenance, traces etc.
however, I want to write an article on lost Objects so maybe I am interested in narratives without objects and youa re interested in objects without narratives.
This ofcourse is an article too.

spodsheff said...

I'm only interested in stripping away the sedemented layers of meaning from an object to see whats left as a bit of an art game. The provenance and traces etc don't really effect the object we like to think they leave traces in the material thing but they don't really. My friend Tony made a plynth which had a trap door on it connected to a motion detector so when anybody entered the room the object vanished and popped up again when they walked out - a really nice piece - I want to make something so the room and the plynth vanish and only the objects there but not levitating as this would be cheasy.
My friend ben also made "a book to be lost and found in the street" which was 10 photographs of sites in a book left in the street at the ten sites which was nice - also check out LOST magazine which for lost stuff is as good as it gets.

kate g said...

also the photographer gallery in london, recently had a show about lost and then found photos which was good, it would be early this summer maybe worth a check out.

kate g said...

also the photographer gallery in london, recently had a show about lost and then found photos which was good, it would be early this summer maybe worth a check out.