Thursday, 13 September 2007

sticks for moving cows

hello , i have just returned from leeds and a day with steve, which was good, we discussed many things and looked at aura scoring, which made me glad i dont do science and stats and maths properly and all the time. Although in a doing it under the guise of a "bit of what you fancy" as steve and i have now unoffically called the project, it seems ok. I really enjoyed thinking and talking about this and feel that its helped me, although i cant tell you how just yet, as i cant put it into words.
Steve accused me of being cagey of talking about my work -which is not true, i think, more its a case of not quite knowing how to say it, and also until its further on than it is at the moment, i cant tell you.
What i am trying to do though is listen properly when steve is talking about his work, think and then respond , but maybe not at that moment but later, on here or wherever. I like to listen to others this helps alot in my thinking, although i realise it could mean i do alot of listening and not much saying, so i have to watch for that.
But anyway i have put up a new photo. I was reading the blog and realised kate and steve had said what they like and are interested in regard to objects so i thought i would say what i am interested in; both in a non cagey and a this is my thing kinda way. so here goes - i like objects where the narrative does not drive the object. Where the meaning , form , function, are all equal, nothing is more important than the other. Which allows for the viewer to place his thing on it and read / take whatever. Which then is kinda what kate was saying about it being just stuff. Although obvioulsy i make a selection and put together a collection so i do manipulate this also. Its also in the ambiguity, the potential, the possibleness that the object offers through the three fold form, function, meaning being equal together. i also like the ingenious objects that have grown out of a implicated relationship, out of dwelling. i could go on but maybe for another time.

Also currently still thinking about measuring and man as measure. although got to get my head around him not being the dominant elemant in the relationship to the outcome of his measuring, so in fact its an implicated act blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....................stopping .

1 comment:

spodsheff said...

By measuring something we make it real. Time didn't exist before clocks. Perhaps the world we live in is just a set of measurement to make the quantum world real. I have a story about sticks but that is for another day. I enjoyed yesterday a lot it felt good to be talking about these things - stuff and thoughts, mentalities and materialities.