Monday, 21 January 2008

Doorstops and Heidegger

Well I made it out into my workshop to make Kate a Birthday present. I stole a doorstop from somewhere last week and I'm wondering if it's art or just grand theft doorstop. Thing is I like doorstops as they are handmade often for a specific purpose and their funtion is only really noticed in their absence. Had a big row with Kim as I found her using my Ethno doorstop to prop open the door the other day - I don't know and with her museum background and all. So taking a made real thing out of the world and making it just "in the world" and not "at hand in the world" and then replacing the made thing with a replica or fake of the real thing is why I mentioned Heidegger I wonder if he had doorstops - the danger with this little mini project as we can now call them is people will read lots of metaphors into the actual function of a doorstop rather than get the point about function fake and the real world.


Kate said...

I am really interested in your fakes stuff and wondered why you are using Heidegger.
Have you read Marx on commodity fetishism you would like it it is aobut disappearing objects

spodsheff said...

Of all the people I know Kate your the only one who could suggest alternative reading when it comes to faking doorstops. I like the idea of small scale intervetions taking something from the "Real World" and replacing with a fake which through funtion becomes an authentic as the thing which make it a fake are external to it - History and provenence - I also like the idea of doing this without having a final piece or display in mind - this made me think of Heidegger as the work is concerned with what is in the world. I think if I refered to Marx the doorstops could become political rather than philosophical- this ties in well to the breakfast as it's about representation and funtion.

kate g said...

i wonder if this is a way of getting round the being seduced by the real object? does it give you enough room ? in the wallinger piece i like how the original message -the war / political stuff was re presented through art , as awell as the art being a comment on making art etc.- a double wammy . I wonder if it is ok to only say something about faking. ALthough i quite like the link to the representation breakfasts etc, Ordinaryness etc. But with the breakfast, i like that we can consider what is an english breakfast, and culture, adn change etc so it does become political it has many readings - does the door stop?

spodsheff said...

The doorstop only has resonance as a method or a story presented back outside itself- the moment of theft and return - In an arty way I like the way it's a very small intervention in the world rather than a big showy thing and this makes me laugh and I like serious humour in my work - it's just a side interest really